5 Main Strategies Of Demons To Weaken Christians

“10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” John 10:10


Demon against human


As long as you live  a Christian life you start to understand how the Devil has many strategies to weaken Christians. I read a book recently called “Screwtape Letters: Letters from a senior to a junior Devil” ,through that book God gave me a powerful article message based upon this idea, that is: the Devil send his Demons with many different strategies according to a specific Christian person but his final plan keeps the same: to destroy, if he cannot destroy them his second idea it is to steal.

So basically through this article i will give you 5 strategies that these Demons send by Satan will eventually try  against you, so you can protect yourself and be aware of his attacks!

1 – Distractions


Many distractions, tv's, smarthphones and tables on a table


“8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ” 1 Peter 5:8


If we could choose a word to represent spiritual Warfare  the word it would be Distraction for sure! Demons know when a Christian are on fire for God, so they will never attack you on these situations. The plan is to create many distractions so you will stop praying, stop fasting, stop reading the word of God, little by little and then once he sees that your guard are lay down then eventually he comes to attack, just like a lion!

Imagine a group of buffalos, together they can destroy a lion so what he does is to just watch them, once he see one that are distracted and far from the others understand that now he has an advantage than there it comes the attack, our enemies are smarter then we think!

2 – Spiritual Laziness


Very tired man sleeping on the couch

40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. 41“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:40-41


You have to understand that they will always try to use a combination to weaken a Christian or if for example distraction are not working he will try to change this one for another thing. But there is something that Demons will always do for sure: make you  tired! Have you ever fell like you are tired in a supernatural way? When this happen is time for praying and fasting! Otherwise suddenly you will stop reading the bible, praying, fasting and this is all the enemy needs to find an edge and try to make you fall.

Sometimes what can happen  is attacks of insomnia, through that they can try to absorb your energy and make you tired, in a way that you feel “to much tired to read!”, Demons also do this because when you are having a insomnia problems they will have all night to plant intrusive thoughts into your mind, it’s a trap to make you disobey Christ!

7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil. Proverbs 3:7
The Devil will also try to plant seeds of pride into your heart, that is some times thoughts like: “i am a good Christian”, or “i will never ever commit that sin anymore, now i have the strength”, what you don’t know is that this is a trap, the Devil wants you to go to the trap just think that is everything fine and then eventually he get’s you!
So don’t see yourself wise enough to fight sin, through the hole bible God’s orientation is to flee from evil!

3 – Wet Dreams



13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13


This kind of Dreams are a spiritual attack, when the Demon that once was making you fall sees that he doesn’t have power to manipulate you anymore he will try to enter into your dreams as a virus and make you to “reach the peak”. He knows that through that you are not sinning but you will wake up exhausted for sure, so this will be a weapon to make you more lazy and eventually you will get weaker and weaker to a point that he can attack you!

4 – Intrusive Thoughts


16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:16


Women with Intrusive Thoughts


At this point the enemy will use and abuse of intrusive thoughts, so that he can eventually hit you with one. He does that because he believes that you will eventually fall into his schemes. Brothers and Sisters the Bible says that God won’t allow us to fight against something that we can’t win so trust in yourself because Christ trust in you! God is on your team, so don’t give up, put up the armor of God, use the shield of faith, rebuke this thoughts and live the promise that Christ has for you!

5 – Sin



“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.” 1 Corinthians 10:13


Last but not least, the enemy and his Demons will use all these strategies to reach one Goal: make you fall into sin! He knows that once you commit sin you are separated from God, even for a minute, once you don’t ask Christ for forgiveness you are now in condemnation. See, i know how hard it is to fall into something again and again, but brothers and sisters don’t give up, God will help you, ask for his help, he will give you the best strategies!

Maybe you think why the enemy are putting all his efforts in making me fall into sin, if he knows that i will ask Christ for forgiveness and them i will for sure be saved? Well, the reason is that God has a purpose for our lives, once we choose to sin against God we can change our history!

We can see this on Samson history, he had a terrible death , that wasn’t God’s plans for his life, but because he choose to sin against God he had a different path also. Even though saved at least the Devil had one achievement, Samson didn’t reach God’s purpose of delivering Israel, this is why we have to avoid sin at all cost, this can take our purpose on earth!




It’s time to be strong on the narrow path, so brothers and sisters if you are facing a spiritual warfare you have to keep your guard up! Something that helped me a lot it is to just do something, stop thinking  on the idea that you have to pray every day 5 hours, start by 30 minutes.

See, once you have 3 moments of 30 minutes a day to read the word of God, give praise to him and to pray, if you choose moments of your week to fast and to have a moment with intimacy with Christ eventually you will win this battle, so don’t give up, because this is  not an option!

If you enjoy this article please share with someone, i hope that God could speak to you through this message, God bless you all!

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