Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
Matthew 4:8-9
36 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
Mark 8:36
Whitney Houston, Elvis Presley, Katy Perry. Do you know what all this amazing artists have in common? All of them started their careers singing at the church, but at some point on their lives they decided to change their ways and just sang for the world. But the question is not why they decided to do that but why the Devil always does that to Christian singers? Well, today we will show five reasons why and how he deceive this artists to change from worshipping God to being worshiped to people all around the Globe, something that eventually will destroy themselves.
1 – He Want To Avoid Them To Live God’s Purposes
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
According to the bible we are created to worship God only, nothing more, but throughout history and reading the bible we known that the Devil hate humans, so as long as he lives he always does his best to destroy every single human being on this earth and led this people to hell.
Now if the Devil hates people, what to say about those who are redeemed by the blood of Christ? If you already had the experience of feeling oppression you know how much hate not only him but all demons has for us! Even though he hates all kinds of Christians, there is some specific type of Christians that he put more effort to destroy, Artists, specially Singers!
Maybe you are thinking right now: “Well, there is some Christian musicians that play for this or that Secular artist and they are good Christians”, well even though this is true, we have to understand that this is in not in vain. According to the bible there is a purpose for all things above heaven, so if a Christian musician is in this environment it means that God want to use them to preach the gospel to these people. The problem here is that this doesn’t apply to Singers, why? Simple, because Words are keys in spiritual realm.
See, even though playing an instrument has also a great importance spiritually talking, when someone sing something the impact is much stronger. This happens because lyrics bring life for a song, we can see the reflection of this when you know that songs with lyrics are much famous and enjoyed than instrumental ones, that is not a coincidence!
If you play a dramatic piano harmony is only a dramatic piano harmony, but when you put a lyric about how your wife just left you and decided to marry your brother it changes the hole point, got it? So a musician can be in this environment for a greater purpose of evangelism, but how can a singer be declaring words that are not praising God and still be in the narrow way?
You cannot be a double minded Person, so when these people who once were Christians singers receive an opportunity to get a Hollywood contract they accept and choose to let Jesus for let us say for another moment of their lives… The point of doing this to singers is a great strategy of the Enemy, because he knows that the purpose of God is to be glorified through this gifts, so through them singing he can save souls for his kingdom. Satan knows that corrupting the root, he can make this powerful gift Unfruitful, because Secular songs will bring no salvation to anybody.
2 – He Want To Use Their Influence To Make Unfruitful People
The strategy goes on, at this point these singers are famous already, first Satan introduces people that can be used by his demons to deceived and destroy the last fragments of faith that the singer has for Jesus, later on he makes then change their identity in order to “explode their careers”, suddenly they don’t recognize themselves.
Them, he introduce them to a relationship that will affect their lives for bad, it can be a girlfriend a boyfriend, a friend etc. In this relationship the goal is to make he or her start to feel frustrated and sad, so last but not least the end is already near, they start to find a way out of this depression, anxiety and sadness in drugs and alcohol, stuff that eventually will kill them.
See? The Devil has a special plan for Christians that choose Hollywood instead of Jesus, the reason why their end are even more cruel than people that never went to church is because of Satan’s hate for Godly people, he hates them the most because once they worshipped God!
3 – He Want To Shame And Accuse God’s Creation
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you are brought down to Sheol, to the far reaches of the pit.
Isaiah 14:12-15
The reason why the Devil was spelled from heaven was because he compared himself to God, he consider that if he was so beautiful and powerful than he should get some worship as well, but the bible says that God don’t share his worship with nothing and nobody!
The strategy here is this: After this singers become famous worldwide people start to worship them. See, humans are instruments of worship, so if you don’t worship God definitely you will worship something, it can be money, sports a relationship or an artist also!
The Devil starts to make this singers happy once worshipped by this crowds, even though they don’t see that is a trap!
Once they “accept” this crowds worship the Devil come before God and start to accuse them before God on the hope that God will give him permission to touch their lives.
The spiritual realm work through edges, accepting worship is a big edge once God says in his word that he is the only one who deserve to receive worship!
4 – He Want To Corrupt A Given Gift Of God
10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”
Matthew 4:10
The Devil knows that human beings were not made to someone worship them, once a human starts to receive worship and not give worship to Christ the end will be destruction.
This happens because there is a void inside of us that only Christ can fill, once this artists are on this situation Satan’s plan starts, he make them think that if they start Drinking and using drugs all problems will be vanished.
Once they do this Satan’s trap is set, at the first momentum they have this feeling of joy and that everything is great but then suddenly they see themselves addicted and eventually in most case scenarios Dead.
5 – He Want To Led Them To Hell
Last but not least the Devil and his Demon’s do all this just to see this people in hell, not only them but through them they want to led more people as possible to hell. At the end of the day, this is Satan’s main goal for sure, led them to an eternity apart from God, in terrifying pain, with no rest and no peace for an everlasting time.
I know maybe for you this is shocking but it is the truth! This life is not a joke at all, this is spiritual warfare, at one side God wants to save everybody and at the other hand the Devil want to led every single one to hell.
If you study this artist histories is all the same, that is not a coincidence, the devil deceived many with the same strategy. My goal with this is that if you know some Christian singer show them this, so when the Devil come to them to show them a “contract” they decline, because the most important thing here on this earth is to receive salvation through lord Jesus Christ!
On the next article i will speak about: “Why Christian Artists Give Up On God” and choose to accept living for the world music industry, i hope this article was a blessing for you, God bless you all.
A very powerfull message! 🔥
Appreciate that lari!
Accurate! The enemy uses all his strength and strategies to steal the sons of God from their calling. As you said, every single word that we speak and specially sing has power that stimulate our brains, bodies, souls and spirit. And music, in general, instigate us to delight in something, and God loves the worship throught the music, and He uses it for us to delight in Him and for Him to be praised. And the enemy want to use the singers of God’s house to sing anything but never worship and praise, because he knows the power of a worship song. The enemy knows that a simple song can destroy all his evil plans for someone, and the potential that a worship song has in destroy the hell and bring Jesus’ presence to the people.
Great article, stay on the purpose!
Great explanations samyra, this generation has to get strong enough to decline satan’s offerings and live for christ, let’s keep going