Have you ever ask yourself if it is possible for a Christian to end it in Hell?
According Mark Discroll a person can be baptized on the Church, marry on the Church, live all their lives on the church, pass away on the church, and even though wake up in hell, if they are only in the Church and not in Christ!
In this article i will show you some topics that will send many “Christians” to hell, and maybe if you are one of this today this can be a calling for you to repent!
1 – Going Back To sin and give up Christianity
“21 It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. 22 Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”
2 Peter 2:21-22

This are those who believed in Jesus, lived their lives for him but in the middle of ministry give up, going back to their old lifestyle!
The problem is that these kind of “Christian” become even worse than how they were before becoming Christians.
In Matthew 12:44 Jesus says that when an Unclean Spirit is spelled of someone after a time they come to see how his old House is, that is why we have to be always vigilant brothers and sisters, if you were an alcoholic for example, from time to time this Demon will try to come after you again, and if he see that your house is not full of God, he will come with seven other spirits even worse than him and because of that you can be even in a worse situation than before.
So if you were an alcoholic, now you become an alcoholic with heroin issues for example. The reason why the Devil does that is simple, to fortify the fortress of sin in your life, doing so he can prevent you to have strength, that is why is so hard for this kind of people to be saved!
We have to see Christianity as a Marathon, to win in a Marathon you do not need to be the faster, but the most consistent, do do not go back to your vomit, Christ send the Holy Spirit to help you to overcome any situation amen?
2 – Beeing a Lukewarm Christian
“15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
Revelation 3:15-16
I was a Lukewarm Christian already, back on High School. This kind of Christians usually are also with some sin hidden, in my situation was pornography. I remember going to High School listening to Christian Songs and crying to God, saying that i wanted to be a Good Christian, but suddenly in the middle of the class i just got me saying bad stuff, usually immoral jokes and that was terrible for me… Lukewarm Christians attend in a Church, they never miss a Church service, but because of the bondage of sin they just stay in the middle, they are not completely in sin, but they are not completely with God, they are on the wall!
The problem with that, is that the owner of that wall is the Devil himself! One of the greatest strategies of Satan is to make Christians lukewarm, he knows that doing that, they will not only go to hell, but will shame the name of Christ, doing so Christianity lose credibility and people harden their hearts for the message, so more people become unbelievers.
3 – Being Ashamed Christianity
“26 Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.”
Luke 9:26

Again back in my High School days, i have been already on this class also, i remember walking on the streets with my bible in my hand kind of ashamed, i though things like: “what will people think of me when they find out that i am a Christian”.
Now here is the crazy part about it, even though i was ashamed of being seen on the street with my bible, i preach in all opportunities in school, but even though the Lord sees the Heart!
You can preach, sing, and work in so many areas of the Church, but the lord know if you are ashamed of him, so repent of that sin because this definitely can make you go to hell!
“11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.”
Revelation 3:11
Brothers and sisters, God love us, and he does not want to anybody to go to hell. So if you saw yourself in any of these topics, just ask God for repentance, a Christian life is hard, but it worth the price, i guarantee you that, living with Christ for all eternity is the best thing that we can ever have, so it is time to put all our efforts to be still until the end, so nobody will take our crown!
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Send to a friend that are astray from the ways of the lord, pray for him and let the Holy Spirit do his work, God bless you all!