“18 For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. “
Philippians 3:18-19
Many are those that live as enemies of Christ, that is to say: “Non Christians”, sadly their fate are eternal death in hell. Brothers and sisters, today let us discuss about if God really send someone yo hell or not, i hope that through this God can save some of their blindness.
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Matthew 10:28
Reading this verse we see that yes, it is God that put people in Hell, but it is not because he want to, it is because of the person!
God it is holy, if was not by Jesus everyone should go to hell, because if someone has a dot of sin in them it is not holy enough to be saved.
This was the reason why Jesus came here on Earth, when you look at people saying that actually people send themselves to Hell is because God himself provided a way out of his wrath to everyone, through the blood of Christ we became holy before God. What occurs is that these people reject the only way out for salvation, that is Christ, and because of that there is no way to escape from Hell.
1 – People Choose Hell Instead Of Heaven
“19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”
John 3:19

When someone decide to just live their lives as they want and choose to deny our Lord Jesus Christ, even though they do that with no believing in hell, they are automatically condemned to be there for all eternity.
The crazy part about it, it is that if you ask these people about their thoughts if they deserve or not to go to Heaven the answer is always positive. They say : –“Well, i am a good person, i have never done anything wrong with nobody, so yes i deserve to go to heaven”.
They deny the only savior, choose to live a live that there is nothing to do with God, than want to live with God in heaven!
The question is: If someone does not love God, does not live a life that pleases him, does not even repent of their sins, why would these kind of people end up in heaven? If heaven is a place of holiness, where we will worship God and everyone there believes in Christ what is the point that someone that does not believe in him to be there?
The problem is that people forget that God sense of what is good is completely different from ours, God is perfect!
Unless you are a hundred percent perfect, you cannot go to heaven, because God cannot live among sin, that is why through Jesus we became perfect, when God look up to a Christian, it is the blood of Christ that he see, unless you have that there is not a chance of hope!
2 – People Does Not Understand What Hell Really Is
“14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. 15Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.”
Revelation 20-14-15

The Devil it is not a Deceiver as many think, he is The Deceiver, there is no one that has such intelligence to create lies as the Devil, that is why the bible describes him as the “Father Of Lie”.
Because of his cleverness, he make people think that living for God it is not worth the price, why just live your life for God avoiding all the sex, money, your dreams and pleasures of this life? You will only have one life so why just does not do whatever you want and enjoy this life as most as possible?
Using Entertainment, Internet, Movies, Tv Series, Music, Books, whatever you can imagine to destroy peoples minds and suddenly when they finally get it it is too late because they are already in hell!
The biggest lie it is that The Devil try to put some “Make up” on reality of Hell, he makes people believe that there is no Hell or even if exists, Hell it is going to be amazing with Music and Beautiful Women, Food and Drink, all lies!
The reality is clear as Crystal, Hell it is a place where people will be burning for all eternity, with worms eating their flesh as described in the people for all eternity and it gets even worse, Demons will also be there!
Do you really believe that these Demons that hate Humans will be there and will lost the opportunity to make these people suffer?
Brothers and Sisters, Demons are stronger than us, i can guarantee you that Demons will do with those people horrendous things!
In this place, people will feel hungry but there is no food, they will feel exhausted but there is no rest there.
they will feel thirsty, so much will be the thirsty that even one dot of water will feel like a river! They will feel lonely but nobody will save them, this is Hell! Brothers and Sisters in Christ this is not only a metaphor, you can see this in the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus, Hell is real do whatever you have to do to not end up there!
3 – People Think Heaven Is A “Boring Place”
“3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
Revelation 21:3-4

Other thing that the Devil does it is to make people think that Heaven it is a boring place, that in heaven there will be nothing to do and only boring people go there, all lies! Heaven it is going to be the most incredible place ever! There is no way that this place is a “Boring Place”, people have this idea because the Devil deceive them all!
Think about it, in heaven there will be God the Father and Jesus, we will be hungry no more, no more thirty or pain or death, no more sin, no more crimes or violence, everybody will be rich, there will be no more weeping, or gossip, everything there will be perfect! Even though we do not have a lot of things about heaven on the bible, you can look at the creator of all things, that is God to recheck this idea.
Imagine this, all the animals and nature, music, arts in general, all the amazing planets, stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies that we have see in heaven were created by Jesus, the bible says that anything that exists exists without him.
So imagine you and me living in the house of this amazing being and he love us and called us his sons, this is Heaven!!
Now i ask you how can this place be boring? Do not believe on the devils lies!
So, Does God really send people to Hell? Yes, if they choose Hell God will give them what they want, even that this destroy his heart.
See i does not know who is reading this, but i am here to tell you that God does not want to punish you, he loves you!
He loved you so much that he send his only son, a perfect one to be nailed on a cross so that you does not need to go to hell.
He did even better, he made us coinheritors of Heaven through Jesus, so now one day we can live with him for all eternity.
Listen, if you have never met Christ before and now after reading this you are in fear because of hell and all of that, does not worry, just right now say : – “God, forgive my sins, i repent and accept the lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior, today i recognized that without Jesus i would go to a horrible place, but now i believe that through Jesus alone i receive eternal life, Amen.”
Now, attend to a Christlike church, one that preach the true gospel of God, that is that only through Christ there is salvation.
Please send this to someone that you know that need to know Jesus, i hope this article have blessed you, does not forget to give us a comment on the section bellow, God bless you all.