Have you ever stop to think with yourself why is so hard to focus on eternal life but so easy to think about earthly things?
Seriously, i mean it is so easy to focus in our “life goals”, our objectives and carrers,but it is so hard to focus in stuff that really matters. The big thing is that we as christians already known that the only things that really matters is what will reflect in our eternity, but even though because of so many distractions of this world we just forget about it.
If we could choose a word that represent the reason why is so hard to focus on eternal life, definetly it would be “Distraction”.
Because of social media, videos,tv series and even our jobs, we just put to much efforts in stuff that really does not matter and we forget to invest on eternal life.
So in this article i will do my best to give you some tips in order to help you to get out of all this distractions and to focus on what really matters, “Eternal Life”.
1 – Choose only a day to use social media
The first thing that you can do to avoid distractions it is to choose only a day or two of your entire week to spend with social media, the point of that it is that social medias as “Instagram” or “TikTok” for example will show you at least 100 videos for day to watch, and watching this amount of videos every single day can be very destructive for your spiritual growth. Your mind it will be focusing to much on the zillions cat videos that you have watched, and because your mind is full of earthly things you will not be able to focus on eternal ones such as preaching the gospel,reading your bible,praying,fasting and etc.
2 – Watch less stuff that it will not increase your faith
” So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17
The second thing that we can do is when using social media or when watching videos on youtube we should focus more in watching stuff that it will increase our faith. According to the bible, faith comes by hearing the word of God, so if we spend our time watching preaching messages this will increase our faith and help us in our spiritual growth. By the opposite if we put to much of our time watching only earthly things, suddenly we will see that our faith is getting weaker because we are distracted.
3 – Read and meditate on the bible every single day
Reading the bible and meditating on it every day is as important as eating every day, God is so good that he gave us the bible knowing that we can easily forget about heavenly things, so meditating on the bible every day is also a reminder to us that we do not belong to this world, but to heaven. Also God can talk to us through the bible and help us in our moments of lack of faith,hardships, when we are trying to find a direction or trying to get more wisdom so do not negociate your devotional time.
4 – Have a moment of your day to pray and worship God
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Having a moment of prayer everyday is as crucial as a bird need two wings to fly, the left wing is reading the bible,the other one is praying! It is impossible to continue in the battlefield of the gospel without reading the bible and praying, because if we do not pray we will not increase our relashionship with Christ, and of course we will not be able to get stronger against the attacks of the Devil and for sure we will fall.
5 – Take some day of your week to fast and focus only in God
When I wept and humbled my soul with fasting, it became my reproach. Psalms 69:10
Fasting is also extremely important for a Christian, because help us to get closer to God faster! Undestanding that it is important to realize that fasting just as reading the bible and praying is also one of the pillars of Christianity, if we do not fast someday we will get weak and the devil it will attacks us on that moment! Considering that fasting it is to kill our flash and give place to the spirit, it is necessary to do from time to time at least once a week, but do not forget that a true fasting it comes also with reading the word of God,having a moment of praying and worshipping God… if you just stop eating and do not read your bible and have a moment of praying and worshipping you are just having a diet.
6 – Take a time of social media for 1 month and watch and read only things that it will increase your faith
Sometimes, it is good to just set apart everything that will leads us to distractions,so one thing that you can do from time to time is stop using social media, only watch stuff that will edify your spirit and spend most of your time in prayer, fasting and reading the bible. Doing so you will see how you will think more about etenity and will focus more on things that it is from above.
It is not easy to avoid distractions, but as christians we have to do our best to focus on eternal life, do not forget that everything you do, your goals, your money and even your carrer will be vanished one day, so think on things from above, put all your efforts in getting closer to God and in doing his will for your life on this earth,one day you will bear the fruits of it,God bless you.